Ancient Wisdom for a modern world.
Ayurveda is an ancient system of natural medicine that is consciousness-based. What does that mean? It means that this age-old wisdom attributes good health to the unobstructed access to the underlying intelligence of our physiology, that is the field of consciousness. Our bodies are expressions of this intelligence and disease is a result of loss of connection with that field.
Every aspect of treatment in Ayurveda focuses on re-establishing the free flow of that inner intelligence to each and every aspect of the physiology, right down to the cellular level. By enlivening that inner intelligence, we aim to restore balance in mind and body. This is done by targeting the most fundamental aspect of our being, and that is where the Doshas come in.
Doshas are the fundamental operators that govern various functions at the basis of our physiology. They are made up of the 5 elements, being Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. So, then it should make sense that balance is fundamentally achieved by living in accordance with natural law. And in doing so, we may experience a more blissful existence while radiating that inner Soma!